Program - 23rd International Ayurveda Symposium 2021

Guest of Honor Vaidya Rajesh Kotecha (Permanent Secretary, Ministry of AYUSH, Federal Government of India, New Delhi).
The conference is accompanied by the Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India.


The 23rd International Ayurveda Symposium took place as an intensive Online conference is taking place.

Participants who do not find time for the program this weekend can view the presentations in the Review. Please purchase a ticket to be included in the distribution list.

Main topics

Highlights of the Symposium

Autoimmune diseases

Impairment of the srotas as a disease factor

Post Covid Therapy - treating long-term effects holistically


Abstracts of the lectures: Click on the titles with » in the program to learn more about the lecture.

Friday, 10 Sept. 2021


Online conference room: Live

The entries on Friday are open to all interested participants - free of charge and without registration.

18.00 - 18.45

(IST 21.30 - 22.15)

Inauguration of the 23rd International Ayurveda Symposium


Chief Guest Vaidya Rajesh Kotecha (Secretary to the Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India)

Mark and Kerstin Rosenberg (Welcome by the Directors of REAA)
Prof. Dr. S.N. Gupta (Head of the Scientific Advisory Board of REAA)
Prof. Dr. Martin Mittwede (Head of Ayurveda Medicine at REAA)
Prof. Dr. Tanuja Nesari (Director General of the All India Institute of Ayurveda, New Delhi)
Vaidya Rajesh Kotecha (Secretary to the Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India)

18.50 - 20.20

(IST 22.20 - 23.50)

Corona and its consequences - experiences from Indian and German perspectives

Moderation: Mark Rosenberg
Translation: Win Silvester MA

Ayurvedic management of Covid-19 in India


Experience in the holistic treatment of Corona patients at the All India Institute of Ayurveda (AIIA)


Learnings from Post Covid cases of a university naturopathy outpatient clinic


The Covid 19 pandemic - what it taught us for the future


Saturday, 11 Sept. 2021


Online conference room: Live
After recording, the lectures are still available for up to two months afterwards.

09.00 - 9.45
(IST 12.30 - 13.15)

VIP lecture

Translation: HP Oliver Becker


Appraisal of Agni as a principle beyond the digestive and metabolic enzymes, its role in health as well as in causation of a disease


09.50 - 11.20

(IST 13.20 - 14.50)

Autoimmune diseases - when the immune system goes astray

Moderation: Win Silvester MA

11.25 - 12.25

(IST 14.55 - 15.55)

Expert panel I

Moderation and translation: Win Silvester MA

No end in sight? - Case studies on Ayurvedic approaches to Long Covid therapy


12.25 - 13.25

(IST 15.55 - 16.55)

Break / Information on further training for doctors and study course on Ayurvedic medicine
at the European Academy for Ayurveda

Moderation: Prof. Dr. Martin Mittwede

13.25 - 14.55

(IST 16.55 - 18.25)

Inside India: Insights into clinical Ayurveda therapy

Moderation: Prof. Dr. S.N. Gupta

15.00 - 16.30

(IST 18.30 - 20.00)

Sick without a reason? Disturbances of the Srotas as a cause of illness in Ayurveda

Moderation: Prof. Dr. Martin Mittwede

Vyadhi gataka, the 5 disease factors


Anna Vaha Srota - How a healthy microbiome strengthens the psyche


16.35 - 17.35

(IST 20.05 - 21.05)

Expert panel II

Moderation: Prof. Dr. Martin Mittwede

Crises as triggers for anxiety and mental disorders - challenges for Ayurveda therapists


Video Channel
You can watch these lectures as often as you like during the symposium and up to two months afterwards.

Video channel: You can watch these lectures as often as you like during the symposium and up to two months afterwards.

Clinical relevance and clinical evaluation of Ama, one of the Vyadhi ghatakas – a practical approach


Understanding Medovaha srotas dushti with special reference to Sthoulya (obesity) and Prameha


Srotas as determinants of adaptation


Dealing with Covid-19 in companies from the point of view of a medical officer


Ayurvedic treatment of Covid-19 by medicinal plants


Sunday, 12 Sept. 2021


Online conference room: Live
After recording, the lectures are still available for up to two months afterwards.

09.00 - 09.45

(IST 12.30 - 13.15)

VIP lecture

Welcome: Kerstin Rosenberg

Ayurvedic dietetics & treatment of autoimmune disorders


09.50 - 11.20

(IST 13.20 - 14.50)

Blockages of the srotas and their effects

Moderation: Dr. Ram Manohar and Mark Rosenberg

11.25 - 12.25

(IST 14.55 - 15.55)

Expert panel III

Moderation: Kerstin Rosenberg

Everything in Flow? Order therapy in chaotic times


12.25 - 13.25

(IST 15.55 - 16.55)

Break / Information about the training courses nutrition, massage and therapy and psychology
at the European Academy for Ayurveda

Moderation: Kerstin and Mark Rosenberg

13.25 - 15.10

(IST 16.55 - 18.40)

Naturopathy in Covid 19 therapy

Moderation: Dr. med. Christian Rackwitz

15.15 - 16.15

(IST 18.45 - 19.45)

Ayurvedic dietetics

Moderation: Kerstin Rosenberg

16.20 - 17.05

(IST 19.50 - 20.35)

Expert panel IV

Moderation: Dr. med. Christian Rackwitz

The potential of panchakarma methods in children with autoimmune diseases


17.10 - 17.30

(IST 20.40 - 21.00)

Farewell and closing session

Moderation: Mark Rosenberg

Video Channel
You can watch these lectures as often as you like during the symposium and up to two months afterwards.

Video channel: You can watch these lectures as often as you like during the symposium and up to two months afterwards.

Ayurvedic spices and herbs that strengthen the immune system


Ayurvedic psychotherapy compared to modern neuroscience


The most effective way to strengthen the immune system - techniques from yoga and Ayurveda
