Specialist in general medicine, additional qualification in emergency medicine, Medical Ayurveda Specialist (REAA)
Christian Rackwitz, MD, studied medicine at the Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin and now works in a general practice in Fulda. He acquired his ayurvedic medical expertise at the European Academy of Ayurveda and. At the REAA he is currently working as a research coordinator, among others in cooperation with the All India Institute of Ayurveda in New Delhi.
In Ayurvedic understanding, the topics "nutrition" and "digestion" are significantly involved in the development of chronic diseases, which is confirmed by more and more studies on the importance of the microbiome. Latest studies on the topic Epigenetics make it clear how important nutrition in the first years of a child's life is for his or her lifelong health. In addition, there is growing evidence that the nutritional habits of our children will influence the health and quality of life of their own children and grandchildren across generations. This presentation will highlight the latest studies on infant and young child nutrition and compare the findings of modern nutritional medicine and epigenetics with Ayurvedic recommendations.
Children and adolescents are particularly affected by the current Corona pandemic. Distance rules, homeschooling, limited contact with other children and quarantine measures lead to isolation and impair social-emotional development. The solution seems to be the development of a vaccine, which, however, is only available for children at a relatively late stage, has not been tested over a long period of time and the necessity of such a kind of immunization for children is currently controversial. This lecture highlights Ayurvedic possibilities to strengthen the immune system of children and adolescents in order to prevent severe courses of disease and to increase the general well-being.
2024 © Rosenberg Ayurveda Academy gGmbH