The Pancamahabhuta theory - cornerstone of Ayurveda

Year: 2023
Language: German

The obtained information analysed and applied skillfully for a purpose is called Knowledge. Information is the collection of data from our surroundings or environment, and how do we get information? Or what is the way to understand the environment? What are the tools needed to collect information from the environment?

The tools for understanding the environment or gathering of information from the environment are the 5 senses (Indriyas). We see, hear, touch, taste, and smell, to get information from the environment. The information that we receive through this 5 Indriyas, are called direct information or Prathyaksha. The information that we receive from Prathyaksha is further analyzed, with the help of Manas or mind and this method of analysis and inference is Anumana. So the 5 Indriyas are the means to achieve Prathyaksha knowledge, and Manas is responsible to achieve anumana knowledge. Therefore Manas is considered the sixth Indriya . There should be some factors in the surroundings that make substances audible, tactile, visible, tastable and smelled. These factors are the Five elements or Five Mahabhuthas.

Several permutations and combinations of these Mahabhuthas lead to the formation of all living and non-living things that we perceive around us in this world. This means that all the things around us, are made from Panchamahabhuthas. As we know that neurons are the structural and functional unit of the nervous system, these Panchamahabhutas are the structural and functional unit of all living and non-living things that we touch, see, taste, smell and hear. According to the Theory of Panchamahabhutha all living and non-living, natural and artificial things in this world are formed from the five elements. Hence The human body is also made Panchamahabhuthas

Anything made of Panchamahabhutha is called Bhouthika. Our bhouthika body is nourished by the bhouthika food. Our body as well as the food or drugs that we take are made of Panchamahabhuthas. Improper intake of food or improper behaviours can cause disturbances in mahabhuthas and cause disease in bhouthika body. Then we use the corresponding bhouthika drugs to regain the bhouthika body.

In this speech I would like to critically analyse the Panchamahabhutha Theory and its importance in the development of basic principles of Ayurveda Science.