Teeth, organs and the supporting and retaining apparatus (bones, muscles, connective tissue and joints) influence each other. This occurs through the mechanical-physical and biochemical interaction of the entire body. If one considers the human being with its outer and inner life as a functional unit, it is quite natural that unrecognized or untreated disease processes in the mouth and jaw area can impair the function of the entire organism. The most common disruptive factors in the mouth include inflammation, dead teeth, bite disorders, scars and foreign materials that stress the immune system and metabolism.
In this way, teeth can become significant disruptors of our health. Sick teeth can be responsible for the outbreak, intensification or resistance to treatment of a chronic disease.
Chronic inflammation of the teeth and jawbone can cause significant tissue damage if not properly treated. They are associated with a variety of negative health conditions and serious diseases, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, rheumatism, Alzheimer's disease, and also cancer.
This lecture will explain these relationships and, most importantly, what options we have to identify and correct dental and jaw foci.
In the prevention and healing of dental and jaw foci, Ayurveda has a crucial role.
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