The Ayurvedic technical term rasayana can be simply interpreted as an anti-aging measure. Behind it lies a complex and proven concept that uses different practical approaches and is applied both preventively and therapeutically.
Important components of rasayana therapy are:
- daily routine measures including healthy activities
- healthy eating
- a lifestyle adapted to the qualities of the seasons
- internal cleansing of the body
- Substances with rasayana effect
- ethical living
The Caraka-samhita, one of the most important classical Ayurvedic texts, defines rasayana as a means to achieve excellence of rasa, etc. Central to this definition is the concept of dhatu-parinama (transformation of dhatus), the complex process of transforming nutrients from food into body structure. This process takes place continuously in the body and ensures that our essential structural body components (dhatus, upadhatus and ojas) can regenerate continuously.
Ideally, a rasayana treatment produces the following general effects in the body:
- Balance of the dosas
- control of agni, in particular the dhatvagnis
- normal function of the srotas
- specific nutrition of the dhatus
This results in a cell regenerating effect.
Certain substances also have a rasayana effect. In the ayurvedic substance teachings dravyaguna-vijnana the term rasayana is used as a special seal of quality, a specific pharmacological effect (karma) or special expertise of only a few substances from the field of food, medicinal plants, minerals and metals.
The lecture will present some important rasāyana substances from the field of food and phytotherapeutics:
- Cow's milk
- Ghee
- Amalaki (Emblica officinalis)
- Guduci (Tinospora cordifolia)
- Mandukaparni (Hydrocotyle asiatica)
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