Ayurveda (also) cooks only with water? No way! Ayurveda describes 10 different forms of preparation (karana), which directly determine the healing effect of the food. With cooking techniques such as soaking, whisking or boiling, we work directly with the water element, which causes an alchemical transformation for better digestibility.
The most important factor for a healthy and type-appropriate diet is the type-appropriate use of the tastes. Thereby the six Rasas affect the Doshas via the sense of taste in direct connection with the water element (Jala) and lead to physical and mental health or illness.
In this hands-on workshop, learn to recognize the special healing qualities of foods and forms of preparation through taste, and learn the principles of a balanced Ayurvedic diet to meet the needs of your patients.
2024 © Rosenberg Ayurveda Academy gGmbH