Ksheeradhara, the milk bath with medicines: potentials and possibilities

Year: 2023
Language: English, German

Ksheeradhara is a unique Ayurvedic therapeutical procedure in which the whole body (except the head and neck) is poured with milk (medicated with herbs for a prescribed period of time). It is indented to bring down Pitta -Vata drastically and enhance Kapha, besides its inherent capacity to improve Ojas and Rasayana.

Though the therapy is similar to Pizhichil (Kaya seka, Sarvagadhara, or full body pouring with oil), it has multifaceted potential to heal and balance both physical and mental ailments. For severe burning sensations and neuropathic disturbances in diabetes, severe exertion after chemotherapy, and other neuro-muscular and musculo-skeletal degenerative ailments, this therapy will be a great support.

A wide variety of single drugs like Ashwagandha, Bala, Eranda and compound formulas like Dasamoola, Panchagandha and various Ganas (groups of drugs explained in classical texts) have also been used judiciously in various conditions. Besides, we can customise new drug combinations according to need and situation, which also gives unparalleled results.

Ksheeradhara is not widely practiced in Ayurvedic hospitals due to a lack of experience or not knowing its full potential. It is described in the classical textbook itself, but it is full efficiency has yet to be explored.

In his presentation, Prof. Nambi will be describing this therapy in detail, including its indications, contraindications, methodology, and best practices. He will also elaborate on clinical cases in which this therapy has been executed and obtained the best results and most popular formulations in practice.

Moreover, milk is a Universal material available all over the world, and with single or multiple drug combinations, we can achieve miraculous outcomes at a relatively lower cost. Procedures for preparation and practice time duration have also been very much customised, which Prof. Nambi will elaborate on in the presentation.