The scientific background to sensual touch

Year: 2023
Language: German

For a āyurvedic full body massage, at least 45 minutes are scheduled. This was measured in ancient India with "Mātrās" (winks). This allows the oil to penetrate to all tissues. Depending on the constitution, the massage should be performed very slowly. This ensures on the one hand the calming of Vāta and on the other hand the deep penetration of the oil.

Nowadays, it has been scientifically proven that a "stroking speed" of 3-5 cm per second is ideal. This speed stimulates the nerve fibers of the skin.

"Researchers are now trying to specifically normalize interoceptive abilities in mental disorders, for example through mindfulness meditation or stimulation of the vagus nerve, which in turn influences interoceptive networks in the brain. Also promising are special massages that stimulate certain nerve fibers in the skin, the CT afferents. They could also be called stroking sensors.

The sensors respond "specifically to very gentle, slow touches of the skin," explains Michael Eggart, a health scientist at Ravensburg-Weingarten University. "Studies show that sensors specially developed for their stimulation... Massages for depression can effectively alleviate anxiety and depressive symptoms." In what way this happens is still unclear. But it's quite possible that gentle massage normalizes the function of the insula and thus the processing of interoceptive stimuli, Eggart says. That, in turn, could improve body awareness.

Touch is actually considered an external, i.e. exteroceptive, stimulus. However, CT afferents very effectively activate specific areas of the insular cortex."
Luerweg F. Interoception: signals from inside the body. Spectrum of Science 22.09.2021

Thus, mental illnesses are treated via the sense of touch.