Ayurvedic complementary therapy for Hashimoto's thyroiditis

Year: 2019

Hashimoto's thyroiditis is now being diagnosed with increasing frequency in Central Europe. According to some estimates, about 5% of the population are affected by this disease. However, the clinical picture of Hashimoto's thyroiditis is very diverse, ranging from complete freedom from symptoms to symptoms of hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. For an āyurvedische assessment of Hashimoto's thyroiditis, a thorough examination of the Agni is particularly useful. In most cases this disease is accompanied by Agni weakness of varying degrees. In addition, basic constitution, age and other āyurvedische criteria must of course always be taken into account in the diagnosis. On this basis, meaningful recommendations for āyurvedische therapy can then be made. As usual in Āyurveda, one starts with recommendations on nutrition and general lifestyle. In addition, there is an individually planned drug therapy and, if necessary, Pañcakarma therapy.