Clinical applications of Langhana therapy in the management of Hypothyroidism
Prof. Ashtavaidyan N. Nambi
Thyroid disorders are the most common disorders of the endocrine glands. It is estimated that about 42 million people suffer from thyroid disorders in India. Women are 6 times more prone than men. In general; disorders of thyroid gland are hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, goitre and iodine deficiency disorders, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, thyroid cancer. Hypothyroid-ism is one of the most common functional disorders of thyroid gland.The signs and symptoms of Hypothyroidism at the initial stage are vague and ambiguous which is often missed in its early stages and instead treated for infertility, hyperlipidaemia, depression etc. In primary stage the signs and symptoms are in general but later on affect the different systems of the body and worsen the condition of patient. Hence, Hypothyroidism is an important public health issue.
Management of Hypothyroidism with the modern drugs may bring the value of TSH and T4 to normal range but the increased dosage and continuous medication are cost expen-sive and make the patient into drug dependent till the end of mortal life. So, a better, safer and long lasting therapy is needed for the present society and now it is a demand of time to search the management for this type of ailment through the heritage of Ayurveda.
As in Ayurveda texts mentioned, it is not possible to name all the manifesting diseases, as the Doshas based upon the Samuttana vishesha and Sthanantara gati leads to a wide array of dis-eases. In such a situation where the disease can’t be named, the treatment must be done by understanding the Vikara prakriti, Adhishtana and Samuttana Vishesha. The presenting com-plaints of Hypothyroidism can be understood and assessed based on the involved Agni, Dos-ha, Dushya, Sthana and Srotus.
Langhna therapy is one of the most important part ayurveda to correct the agni, reduce ama and clean srotus. This can be done in various methods depends on the stage and nature of manifestation of disease. In hypothyroidism it is vital to correct the above three for better balance of endocrine glands in general and thyroid gland in particular.
Hence it is high time to discuss the details from Ayurveda from traditional wisdom and how to tackle the problem and to explore the new outlook from Ayurvedic point of view and share the experi-ences of Ashtavaidya tradition’s practices.
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