Benefits of Nasya in integrative neurology
Dr. Sandeep Nair
Nasya is one of the Panchakarma treatments and is particularly beneficial for treating diseases above the shoulder level. Nose is the doorway to the head and, through it, Nasya seeks to destroy diseases of the head. Nasya is done by employing substances appropriate to the disease, which are prepared with equally appropriate drugs in the form of oil, ghee, powder, smoke or juice.
The present talk will emphasize on the benefits of Nasya in integrative neurology with special reference to non-motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease. Emphasis will be given to the important points that are to be taken care of in the procedure of Nasya treatment. The indication and contraindication of Nasya treatments will be discussed. Step by step procedure, complications and their management will be mentioned during the discussion. Time and mode of administration of Nasya treatment mentioned in different conditions will be one of the important topics in the lecture.
This talk will highlight the benefits of Nasya in detail with respect to Daily regime, Seasonal regime and Non-motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease. The talk will be concluded by mentioning the future research aspects of Nasya in integrative neurology.
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