Yoga, Pranayama and Ayurveda in trauma therapy
Manuela Heider de Jahnsen
What does a woman with dog have to do with the yoga/Pranayama work? And can What's App help to heal Ayurvedically? Learn from the "Gala"? We will hear the explanations in this lecture.
In the daily practical work with people I encounter everyday stories. Stories that seem banal at first sight. Stories that only attain their deep and touching significance against the background of the often unbelievable events in the lives of these people.
Through the basic and ordering concepts of Ayurveda, we are able to slowly and progressively repair the daily lives of these people. The trauma-sensitive work with yoga, pranayama and the manas vcriti-healing applications and plants of Ayurveda has taken up a significant and constantly growing space in my practice, which I would like to tell you about here by means of case studies.
People like to come, and each time they report the gentle and integrating effects they have experienced, but also the difficulties they encounter when they break free from the shackles of fear.
During the treatment we accompany her and gradually learn more about her touching inner images, which accompany the path of dissolving the trauma. Without them seeing their experiences again, without them feeling exposed to the overwhelming emotions again. In the embracing Ayurveda Yoga therapeutic practice they experience security and safety. It is as if, in the darkness of terror, a window is opened through which the clear light of the present streams in and shows the way out of the past.
Using the doshas and mental gunas, I will show the individual phases of shock, numbness and resolution. The practical exercises in breath work, the yoga exercises and exemplary prescriptions of ayurvedic measures can be implemented by therapists as well as by relatives and affected persons in an equally safe and stabilizing way.
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