The fire from within - Dhatu Kshaya in neurodegenerative disorders and its dependence on Agni »

Year: 2022
Language: English, German

Neurodegenerative diseases are featured by progressive dysfunction and death of cells in selected areas in the nervous system. Neurodegeneration leads to the loss of structural and functioning components of neurons over time. Various studies have related neurodegeneration to a number of degenerative disorders. Neurological repercussions of neurodegeneration can have severe impacts on the physical and mental health of patients. In the recent past, various neurodegenerative ailments such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's illnesses have received global consideration owing to their global occurrence. Dhathus being the essential components of the body, the general body strength is entirely dependent on them. Vitiation of any dosha may cause either a temporary damage or permanent destruction to dhathus depending on the intensity of Dhathu Kshaya caused due to Dhathupaka. Vata dosha has intimate relationship with all dhathus. The cause of Vataprakopa may be either Dhathu Kshaya or Margavarodha In this lecture I will be discussing the clinical features and pathological background of Vata prakopa in relation to Dhathukshaya which leads to neurodegenerative conditions. The concept of agni is a unique thing in Ayurveda wisdom. The normal functioning of doshas, dhathus, malas and pranas depends on the quality and quantity of agni and hence the maintenance of normal agni all while is absolutely essential for the health. During the lecture an emphasis will be given to importance of different agnis in the pathology of neurodegeneration.