- Exclusive and free of charge for all graduates and current participants of the medicine trainings at the European Academy for Ayurveda and the Heilpraktikerschule Lucerne -
You are an essential part of the REAA family. With this in mind, we would very much like to strengthen our bond and are hosting this meeting. After you complete your training with us, you will be actively involved in the field. We believe that you have some exciting success stories to tell. We would be happy to in our big academic family at share.
The alumni reunion is also a unique opportunity, Questions from your daily Ayurveda practice to clarify with a real capacity. In this session, Prof. Dr. S.N. Gupta will address special patient cases that you bring to the Alumni Meeting. Active participation is strongly encouraged! Get fresh inspiration for your work with Ayurveda and Gain confidence in diagnosis and treatment.
And of course, the alumni meeting is the ideal platform to to meet colleagues from the study time again and to make new contacts. Look forward to meeting, exchanging and taking another step on your path with Ayurveda - of course in a relaxed, friendly and cheerful atmosphere.
2024 © Rosenberg Ayurveda Academy gGmbH