Dr. Ricardo Rangel (PT)

Dr. Ricardo Rangel (PT)

Endocrinologist and doctor for nutrition works according to an integrative approach with Ayurveda
Dr. Ricardo Rangel graduated as a specialist in endociniology from the University of Porto, Institute of Biomedical Sciences in 2005. In addition to his focus on "glands and hormones", his therapeutic work also focuses on nutrition and women's health, in which he also integrates Ayurvedic medicine, which he studied over several years.
Ricardo Rangel works at the ATHA Clinic for Functional Medicine in Lisbon and at the Prive clinic in Porto, among others.

Hormones and doshas - Ayurvedic treatment concepts for a healthy balance

Year: 2024

Policystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine disease in women during reproductive years, and is characterized by a range of symptoms related to hormone imbalances, particularly an excess of androgens and issues with ovulation and fertility.

PCOS is not explained in Ayurveda as a single disease entity, but it can be considered a yoniroga (gynecological disorder). The Sushruta Samhita (Su.Sa.2:4) classifies 8 ovarian diseases based on specific clinical characteristics, where the fifth disease closely resembles PCOS: granthibhuta artava dushti , a disease where “the ovum has an appearance similar to a cyst“, caused by an imbalance in Kapha and Vata doshas.

Although mainly associated with irregular or absent periods and excessive weight gain, not all women will manifest PCOS the same way. The diagnose is made during the fertile age, however the PCOS can still manifest after menopause with high negative impact if not properly treated.