BAMS and federal diploma of Practitioner of Natural Medicine in Ayurveda
Carole Zinsel is one of the first Swiss person having studied Ayurveda Medicine in India (6 years) and obtained her BAMS (Bachelor of Ayurveda Medicine and Surgery). She also holds the federal diploma of Practitioner of Natural Medicine in Ayurveda. She lately (2023) completed her training in Yoga and Yoga therapy.
Brought up in an environment where natural medicines prevail, and as a result of several outstanding trips to India, Carole turned to Ayurveda which guided and completely convinced her.
She is consulting at the Ayurveda Centre in Belmont-sur-Lausanne (Switzerland) for health check-ups, individual lifestyle and food advice since 2012. She practices the various Ayurveda manual therapies and conducts Panca karma treatments in ambulatory.
Her total immersion in the Indian culture enabled her to easily integrate the concepts of Ayurveda, to experience the benefits and to transmit them to her western patients.
Women are important pillars in the good functionning of the society, A healthy woman in every way (physical, mental, spiritual) is synonymous with happy family, happy working place and happy society.
Treating women's ailments or unbalances by means of herbal remedies and cures are not enough. This talk will show in which cases aushadha are not enough and how sattvavajaya cikitsa is important.
2024 © Rosenberg Ayurveda Academy gGmbH