Upadhatu skin - treatment of various medical conditions and rasayanas »

Year: 2022
Language: English, German

Ayurveda is the science of life, a system of health care and medicine which aims to guide people in living a healthy life. Being a holistic health care system, Ayurveda is unique in its approach to the study of diseases & their treatment. The Fundamental concepts of Ayurveda are systematized in classical texts like Bruhatrayi and Laghutrayi. Twak/Twacha is described in the Samhitas as the body's outermost protective layer as well as the largest sensory organ. It is Upadhatu of Mamsa Dhatu which gives rise to Vasa and six layers of Twacha. Nourishment of Twacha is derived through essence of Mamsa Dhatu. According to Ayurveda, the skin has seven distinct layers, each with its own structure and function. Acharya Sushrut and Acharya Charak meticulously described its layers in terms of their functions, as well as diseases associated with those layers. Ayurvedic literature has described skin diseases mainly under the spectrum of Kushtha.

"Rasayana drugs" are considered very important in the treatment of dermatological disorders in Ayurveda. The main Rasayana dravyas include Bhallataka, Tuvaraka, Saariva, Manjishtha, Guduchi, Bhibhitaka, Bhringaraj etc. Skin health is restored and maintained by directly targeting the various layers and cells of the skin that are involved in the processes of skin ageing and dysfunction, as well as the pathogenesis of a disease. Dietary modification or supplementation is also heavily emphasized in the Ayurvedic system of medicine for the prevention and management of various skin conditions. So this proposed talk will explore on the effects of different Rasayana dravyas in various skin conditions. Rasayana dravyas in various skin conditions.