Constitution critical - What is the real importance of the typology of Ayurveda in therapeutic practice?
HP Elmar Stapelfeldt MA
"My constitution is pitta, my symptoms are vata and my husband is kapha - what else can we eat?" With this dilemma many patients who have studied Ayurveda more intensively come to my practice. They want to use Ayurveda for themselves, but are at a loss as to how to put it into practice.
What went wrong with the communication of Ayurveda in media and literature? Has the concept of the constitution (prakrti) been presented too blurred to make it useful for the interested layman? Has it been understood in depth in the German-speaking countries? Or has it degenerated into a marketing gimmick to give customers a better feeling when they buy their 'individual' vata, pitta, kapha products?
This lecture conveys the definitions, meanings, possible applications and controversies of the Ayurvedic concept of constitution. Above all it will be about the practical use when dealing with patients. Let's put our understanding of prakrti to the test together and lively discuss the possible applications!
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