Martina Ludescher (CH)

Martina Ludescher (CH)

Lic. oec. HSG, licensed Ayurveda physician (Practitioner of Natural Ayurveda Medicine)
Many years of C-level management experience in an international group with a focus on Asia in the consumer goods and services sectors, business angel and advisory board member for start-ups, board member, post graduate in Yogic Science and Ayurveda, enthusiastic Ayurveda user for almost 20 years.

Rasayana - Well-aging with Ayurveda

Year: 2024

Rasayanas and preparations that are used to treat classic "age-related diseases" such as arthritis, arthrosis, diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, obesity, osteoporosis, nervous system (depression, Alzheimer's etc.), but are not classic rasayanas.