Alkje Sagittarius is a naturopath and pharmacist with specialization in the field of oncology and palliative medicine. She has a degree in Ayurvedic medicine from the European Academy of Ayurveda. She gained clinical experience at Indian Ayurvedic hospitals in Gujarat, Maharasthra and Kerala. She is particularly passionate about integrating traditional Indian with European medicine, especially in the areas of phytotherapy, nutrition and mental training. She contributes her expertise and experience as an associate Ayurvedic physician at the Rosenberg Ayurveda Competence Center in Birstein and as a lecturer in the Heilpraktiker training of the European Academy for Ayurveda in Birstein and in Switzerland as well as at other institutions in Dresden. In her own Ayurveda healing practice in Dresden she works in an integrative way and combines Ayurveda with traditional European and scientifically based medicine. Her main focus is the accompanying treatment of patients with oncological diseases.
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