Dr. Dania Schumann studied nutritional science and holds a doctorate in medical science.
She has deepened her knowledge in Ayurvedic Medicine at the Gujarat Ayurveda University and completed further training in Ayurvedic Medicine with the world-renowned Ayurvedic physician Dr. Vasant Lad. She is a certified Yoga teacher and a state-certified and certified alternative practitioner.
Dr. Dania Schumann has founded a state-certified distance learning educational institute and passes on her knowledge in her training as a holistic Ayurveda nutrition coach, which combines nutritional science, nutritional psychology and Ayurveda.
Which approaches really help in nutritional therapy for irritable bowel syndrome? Often patients and doctors are at a loss. In this video presentation we will look at this topic and solutions based on current research findings, as well as clinical experiences from Ayurveda nutrition therapy.
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